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Analytical Capabilities

Bogdonov Lerer Engineering utilizes the latest software for structural analysis, including extensive AutoCad customizing.

The behaviour of a structure under dynamic loads, such as that induced by earthquakes, is significantly different than gravity loading. Although design codes provide basic guidelines for engineers who deal with dynamic loads, Bogdonov Lerer feels it necessary and efficient to use advanced computer software to arrive at a suitable and code-compliant structure, while remaining budget conscious.

Bogdonov Lerer structural engineers also provide seismic risk assessment and rehabilitation services where structures have been damaged by earthquake.

structural engineers Vancouver, consulting structural engineers Vancouver

Our engineering
services include:

Structural engineering for:
   •  Institutional
   •  Residential
   •  Commercial
   •  Tilt Up Design Buildings

•  Demolition Engineering Services
•  Construction Services
•  Analytical Capabilities