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structural engineers Vancouver, consulting structural engineers VancouverThe structural engineering team at Bogdonov Lerer is able to consult on demolition and construction projects for the construction industry.

Demolition: It's certainly not what most people associate with structural engineering. In fact, it's an art that requires a thorough knowledge of the theoretical principles behind the strength of structures, and a hands-on understanding of the principles of construction. It isn't something that one learns quickly, but is developed through extensive practice and mentoring.

Understanding how to take down a bridge, or a brick smokestack, with virtually no clearance on either side. knowing how to cut through and remove parts of a 100 year old 6 storey building while providing access for construction equipment and renovations. knowing how the structure will "feel" and "behave" if parts of it are removed. This is the art of demolition from a structural engineer's viewpoint.


Our engineering
services include:

Structural engineering for:
   •  Institutional
   •  Residential
   •  Commercial
   •  Tilt Up Design Buildings

•  Demolition Engineering Services
•  Construction Services
•  Analytical Capabilities